Thursday, July 3, 2014

As someone who is struggling with the darkness of her past and going through an identity crisis…

"Every story, even a true one, has an ending. Fictional stories have concrete endings, but the funny thing about non-fiction accounts is that life goes on and the journey continues. I have realized that my life is like a living, growing, expanding tree -- every leaf and branch has played an integral part in who I have become, even the bare ones. Ever since my awakening, I have healed many old wounds. I have learned that it is not selfish to prune the areas of my life that are unhealthy and not working." -Melissa G. Moore  

… reading the book, Shattered Silence by Melissa G Moore, has been real eye opening and has helped me a lot. Although my life story is nothing like hers, I feel like in a way we are very similar, struggling with our identity growing up, putting the blame on ourselves when the issue at hand has nothing to do with us, and being easily manipulated. However, reading her book and seeing her realizations on life and her advice in her epilogue has allowed for me to keep on moving forward. Although she realized that life moves on later in her life, I'm blessed to have been able to learn this from her at this time. 

I started the book just today, and it was nearly impossible to put down, it was a literal page turner. Experiencing the blooming transition of a girl to a woman, the struggles she faced and all the obstacles she has faced. The fact she was torn at such a young age and dealt with such struggles at a young age and overcame those obstacles, arising as a stronger woman is such an inspirational story. 

The first part in the book that really caught my eye while I was reading was when she realized at a young age that the only limitation was imagination. 

"All of A sudden, I felt like I really could be anything, have anything, that I was only limited by imagination." -Melissa G. Moore p. 35

It was so beautiful seeing her progress and grow from a girl to a woman and to see her realize that the whole time, she was limited because of her imagination, where she blamed herself for the actions of her father, the serial killer. 

In the end she mentions some really key things to living a happy life, in her words, "… I have sweet fruits of wisdom that I would like to share with anyone who maybe be struggling, no matter how big or small the problems you face."

Everything I'm about to type starting after this sentence is written by Mrs. Moore herself, I just don't see the need to put quotation marks on such a long section that starts with a list, so here goes.

  1. Listen to your intuition. Some people may call this your inner knowing, your spirit. Whatever you call it, begin to trust that still, small voice inside of you 
  2. Shatter the silence. Refuse to hold in secrets any longer. You really are only as sick as your secrets. I'm not saying that you need to bare your soul on national television. I did, but that was because I wouldn't find any other resources that death with my specific situation. I felt there was nowhere else to turn. To begin, I would suggest opening your heart to a close and trusted friend. Go and see a therapist if that suits you or enroll in a core-level accountability training program to rid yourself of past issues and bring in new energy to your life. Join a support group, or, better yet, start one yourself. You will be amazed by what happens when you make a clear decision to heal. Make that choice, and all kinds of resources will suddenly be at your disposal. 
  3. Be the chain breaker. Refuse to carry on the shame of those close to you. You are not responsible for other people's actions, particularly their hurtful behavior. Teach yourself and your children the healthy habits of physical, emotional, and mental boundaries. Refuse to carry on acts of violence or shame rom past generations. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past. Ask for forgiveness and start fresh today. 
  4. Take responsibility. You are not responsible for other people's actions, but you are always, always responsible for your own. Have integrity. Care enough for yourself to surround yourself with good people and to hang out in places where great things are happening. If you choose to put yourself in questionable situations, you can expect questionable -- and perhaps even dangerous -- outcomes. If you choose to associate with positive people doing positive things, you are more likely to be happier with your relationships and your life overall.
  5. Make healthy choices in handling stress. You owe it to yourself to stay away from addictions. Drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, shopping excessively, or another potentially addictive substance or activity will not make the pain go away, it will eventually only increase it. The longer you seek to escape from your problems, the more deeply they will plague you. Instead resolve to keep your body, mind and spirit healthy. Exercise often and eat a nutritious diet. Involve yourself in listening to nature or attending church. Living a healthy lifestyle is the perfect way to get grounded and centered, and it increases your ability to listen to your own intuition. 
  6. Keep a journal. I suggest four powerful ways of journaling: to remember what you are grateful for; to release hurt, fear and painful circumstances; to see your challenges clearly and outline as many solutions as you can think which will help you realize you are not stuck; and finally, to outline specifically what it is you want out of life. Writing has helped me heal immensely, and I believe it is a powerful catalyst for change. 
  7. Find your passion. I cannot stress this enough! Everyone has unique gifts and talents, even you. No matter what your past life has been, or how poor your circumstances have been to this point, you have a unique spark of life and there are things that only you can do. What excites you? What makes you happy to jump out of bed in the morning? What makes you want to embrace your day? If you don't know, it's time to find out. 
  8. Be of service. We are all here on earth with the same mission -- to do our best with what we are given. But we cannot succeed in blooming our greatest selves unless we help others do the same. It is not enough to push through obstacles. We are all here to be teachers as well. Once we master a new challenge, we then have the tools to teach another how to overcome a similar challenge. Service to others dispels, sadness, loneliness, pain, and discontentment. From personal experience, I know it is impossible to feel the problems of your own day when you are lifting a burden for someone else. 
  9. Seek knowledge. I have learned that knowledge gives you the power to make better choices. And better choices ultimately allows you to create your destiny. There is so much information freely available to us that can empower us to create a better world. 
  10. Begin anew.  No matter where you've been, no matter how dark your past, you can step in a new direction the moment that you choose to. Healing is a journey, that is for certain, but it starts with a choice. The moment you choose it, your past can be your past -- it no longer has to haunt your future. Whoever you are, whatever road you've been down, all you have to do is decide to make a change and you will find it easier to see a new path. Follow up your decision with action and keep moving toward the life of your dreams.  
In a way, we are all artists in a sense working on our greatest masterpiece -- our own lives. Each choice you make is a brushstroke that paints a grander picture of your legacy. Don't keep waiting for your life to start. It's right here, right now. When you believe in yourself, you an become more than you ever thought you could be. 
-end of the section I took from the book-

This book, her experience, her lessons and her story are all within this book, and it has helped me start to find myself, thank you Melissa.