Monday, July 14, 2014

A tech savvy world in my eyes can destroy humanity as we know it today,

One thing that I cannot seem to comprehend is how fast and advance today's technology is growing and being improved day by day. I can only imagine what else they'll come up with ten years from now. Technology helps us with our everyday activities, helps us by reminding us, allows us for faster communication (instant messaging), it creates a platform where writers can write till their heart's content, and it allows for people to hide behind a screen. 

One of the many reasons why a lot of people are so socially awkward nowadays is due to the fact that we spend almost 50% (if not more) of our time in front of a screen. Where no one can see us, no one can know who we truly are, and we can be anyone we want to be. We push kids to be social butterflies and yes, they are being social butterflies, but through social media platforms. Is that what we want? Do we want a generation where in person social contact is nearly impossible because they lack the comfort of a screen to hide behind? Or should we be doing something about it and pushing these socially awkward people into obtaining actual social skills by removing the screen? 

So much of live revolves around checking the news online, checking the water an app, documenting your life on Instagram, updating people on your life through tweets and sharing with your family through FaceBook. Does this not raise any red flags with anyone? What happened to finding the time to read newspapers? Or watching the news for the weather? How about taking photographs and developing them and putting them into a photo album to remember? Instead of updating people about your life through tweets, to CALL someone and PLAN to meet them so you guys can catch up? SHARE with your family  in person. Everything is so much more personal when it is in person, when it is written on paper, when it is documented and physically obtainable, when you NEAR a persons voice through a phone call, instead of reading what it is they have to say through a text, email, IM, or through a social media platform. 

Look, I do not hate social media. I can see it help us move forward and advance so much. I mean, society is already moving forward and becoming so advance. However, the problem I see, and the problem I believe that needs addressing is the fact that the newer generation NEEDS social media as a crutch through everyday life. That is not the point of technology. Technology should NOT be a crutch through life, instead it should be something that helps one through life but not in the crutch like way. One should be able to live through life without social media, and social media should only enhance life a tad bit. It's for convince, not a necessity. And that my friends is what I am trying to stress… 

On twitter, all I see are tweets about people who are cursing the world because they woke up late or over slept . Yet the first thing they thought of was to tweet it instead of getting up and rushing to get ready? I see tweets on how someone wishes they could talk to a stranger, wishes they could talk to their friends more often, and wishes they could see someone more, yet all they are doing is spending their time TWEETING about it, instead of actually putting forth the energy to plan it… 

Personally, I would rather hold a paper book and read it. I would personally put together a photo album and document my life with an old school and tangible thing, and I would rather write letters and mail things (however, I recognize that in today's society, needing information quickly is crucial…). I would rather be journaling this post, but I also enjoy posting on a blog.

Overall, I can see the pros of having technology be a big part of our society, I can see the pros of living in a tech savvy society, however, I feel like people often over look the cons. As a person, I think it is always a good thing to consider the pros and the cons, to acknowledge the downfall of relying on technology and trying to overcome the social awkwardness and to overcome using technology as a crutch. Using technology as a crutch is not beneficial to a person at all. (Will add more later).