Sunday, May 15, 2016


It has been quite a while since I last made a post. 2015 ended with a bang. Honestly, I do not even remember who my last post was even about nor why this person was worth the post. My summer was filled with ups and downs. I was promoted to a legal assistant role and worked on various cases for the firm. I was also blessed with the ability to have been able to purchase a new car - I saved up my own money and was able to get one. However, day of, upon driving it home, someone rear-ended me. It was basically a hit and run with how little I even had to go on. Regardless, that was the lowest point of my summer because it brought forth my anxiety and my depression. As a matter of fact, it kicked my depression and anxiety into full gear. Then there was the back pain + neck pain I endured. 

Despite that, I was still able to see friends and go on at least one hike before the summer ended. As the school year rolled around I prepared myself for my last year. I finished up my application for an internship at the leg. near the beginning of October. I took practical reasoning with my friend, a seminar class on climate change and met the most amazing people ever, and a press and politics course. Nearing the end of autumn quarter, I received notice I received a spot for the internship for winter quarter & would be spending 3 months away at the Capitol. I solidified my rooming plans with someone in my pre-law fraternity and before I knew it Christmas had rolled around. By then, I was preparing myself for my internship by reading about the legislative process and reading up on the ethics of working for the leg. 

As winter quarter started, I moved to the capital and toured the Capitol. My first week there, my friends John and Gabe visited me down there. It was a nice visit because it helped me settle in a lot easier. For the duration of my internship, Hannah (my roomie and I) lived with a woman with three cats. It was quite relaxing being able to cook for myself, do my own laundry, have a beer or a glass of wine after work, and basically just... adult. I had a total of two papers, a journal to keep up, weekly reports for the internship, and of course whatever assignments I needed to do to partake in the internship activities such as researching bills and what not - but despite that it was the most amazing time ever. I didn't have to stay up really late to read or do homework. I was basically living an adult life without the help of my parents. I want to say the internship brought me and Hannah closer - closer than our fraternity ever brought us together. I met so many amazing people during the course of my internship. I am glad I had the ability to experience such an experience. I was able to shadow the attorney general, meet other legislators, and see the process from behind the scenes. 

Now I am finishing up my last quarter at my Uni. I've met three great guys this quarter that I honestly think are amazing guys and I would love to pursue them. Reading back, I realize how much I condemn myself for pining after guys or letting a guy take over my life. However, these three are different in that... they ACTUALLY seem to align very well with my life goals and my political views. It's just incredibly rare for me to find anyone with even remotely the same interests and be so incredibly similar to me. 

I'll have to see where this leads. Anyway, I have a couple papers to work on - so I guess I'll have to end this post here. Peace out. 

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