If you're not happy with the way you look, or with the way you're spending money, with your weight, with where you are in life, why would you waste more time and put it off until the New Year to address those things that you despise about your life? Time is essential, and there obviously is not a lot of it. Everyday, people are working and moving towards their goals. If you decide to put off whatever it is you want, then you're just slowing down your own timeline. You're just allowing for others to get ahead of you and or allowing for others to take the chances you could and should have taken.
As for friends, it doesn't make sense to wait for the New Year to cut people off… I don't understand the phrase, "I'm not taking these people with me into the New Year, I'm leaving them behind in the last year." Well, instead of dragging those people with you, why don't you just cut them off immediately? There is no point in having deadweight dragging you back, right? Sure, you want a fresh start, and what other way to portray this fresh start than through the New Year… As humans, we tend to pay more attention to bigger events, to certain time frames thats we ignore and take for granted the little things. Everyday can be considered a fresh start, so why do people just look forward to the New Year? It's just extremely time consuming…
Now, don't get me wrong… I am not judging you if you believe that the New Year is the best time for you to make these changes, then go ahead and take the proper steps in making those changes. Personally, I think people who effect change when they realize what needs to be addressed are the people who get the most done. Now, that may not be true, but based off my experiences with people and based off personal experience, those who push their goals off till the New Year, are the ones who get the least amount done.
Anyway, with that behind said, I can't wait for the New Year to begin. 2014 was full of great experiences, many heart breaking moments, a lot of personal realization, and was definitely a real self enriching year. A lot has happened, such as getting into my major, deciding to leave an organization I devoted a lot of my young adult life to, looking into internships more relevant to my major, building up the self confidence to make change, and losing good friends. I'll make a post about who I am as a friend and that whole process of losing a friend too, but for tonight, I'm just going to relax, watch movies and hang out with my sister. Yes, that is kind of lame. Honestly, I don't have plans. I did, I was invited to a party, but personally, that is not my scene.
A lot of the things I have been working on this past year, and will probably be working on into 2015 is being more comfortable in my own body/shoes. This means being confident in my work, my answers, the way I present myself to others, the way I walk and talk… I want to be able to be myself without fully worrying about what others thing or say about me, unless it's constructive criticism. Tonight, when it hits the New Year, the post on "fake friends" will be up. With that, I bid everyone adieu for the next couple hours so I can pamper myself to get ready for a night dedicated to myself. (I think it's really funny how I've spent basically every free day I could, dedicated to myself… and if not myself, than dedicated to friends who are not deadweight).
xo, Jennifer Lynn