Saturday, April 26, 2014

Literal fashion enthusiast.

Sitting and reading H&M's 2014 magazine at my get away place.

There are hundreds of words that can describe me, but the one that I think most definitely defines me right now, is a fashion enthusiast. I cannot help but follow and start trends. I’ve been told by many people they love the way I dress, they love the shoes I have, and that they love my style. My style isn’t too much because I try to aim for simple, comfy, chic, and at the same time edgy with a touch of class. It’s kind of contradictory when I say all of those together, but it’s true. I've been called a fashionista and a trend setter. 

A lot of people in my family turn to me for fashion tips, advice, do’s and don’ts. When the topic of shopping comes up, everyone wants to take me. What can I say? Everyone just wants my opinion on stuff before they buy it. My friend and I text each other pictures of the clothes we try on in the fitting rooms and consult before we buy. I honestly cannot explain my feeling towards this… Fashion is like art. A way of expressing yourself through what you wear. I’m totally and completely in love with fashion and clothes and indulging myself into the whole fashion scene. 

I’ll add more on to this when I’m done studying for midterms. Deuces for now.

Rocking Suvon's noir et blanc t-shirts because of my blog name.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Their priceless gift and my return.

I’m not sure if this is a given, but I am who I am today because of programs that receive generous donations from donors who have the ability to reach deep into their pockets to donate.  The leadership skills I have gained, the public speaking skills I have developed, my whole persona has been defined and shaped by these programs who run on generous donations from people. I want to be the definition of giving back to a community that gave to me while growing up, that shaped me into the person I am today.

From what I’m saying, I don’t know if you know this, but it is definitely implied that when I grow up and become stable in my career, I will be one of those people too. If you follow my tumblr, I’m sure you see how simple my living can be. Yeah I go all out when it comes to shopping for clothes and such, and yeah my phone my laptop and stuff is expensive. But I can live a simple life with very minimal spending, plus I don’t eat a lot! I want to donate as much as I can to youth programs, to organizations, charities and to causes that have an impact on the community here and overseas. I’m all for making positive changes in the world. I want to be able to do so through my career, but also during my leisure time.  I want to attend charity dinners, fundraisers, auctions, and events that are put together by organizations whose sole mission, whether directly or indirectly, helps the community and helps society be a better place.

When I’m grown up, I expect to still be affiliated with the Wing Luke. I will be one of the annual auction attendees, I’ll pay that $100+ for a seat, I’ll bid on art, I’ll donate to the youth programs and to the museum that shaped me into the person I am today. The leadership opportunities the Wing has provided me is priceless. There is simply no price in helping someone shape his or her persona. There is no price in helping someone become who they are and find their path in life. There is no price in finding my passion and there is no price for helping a lost girl find her way into a young woman who wants to make a change in the world.  For all those priceless gifts the Wing Luke has given me, what better way to repay and show my gratitude than to attend their fundraising functions and to donate and support their mission?

I am aware of all the issues that have happened in the past because of the countless informative exhibits the Wing has and because of the YouthCAN sessions. I am aware that history and the stories of those who struggled needs to be remembered, heard, presented and told everyday. An institution such as the Wing allows for people to remember the past in order for the past to never repeat again. To see the consequences of the past insures that injustice will never prevail and that the rights of everyone are protected.

Thank you for teaching me my history and history in general, thank you for enlightening me, for inspiring me, for letting me know it is okay to follow my dreams, passions, and interests and thank you for giving me role models. Thank you for teaching me the importance of giving. When I grow up, I cannot think of a better place to put my money than in a place whose mission is directly to preserve history and tell the Asian American experience and indirectly impacting the community for the better through the museum’s visitors and through their youth in their youth programs. I cannot think of a better use for my money than to give to programs, charities and organizations whose mission is similar to the Wing’s. 

I know this money will help the Wing inspire young people like they did to me. Hopefully, my story can be heard so people can realize the importance of these organizations. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I got accepted into my major guys!

This is honestly beyond great news for me. I guess it's time to let it out there. 

I applied for this major back on April 10th, and since then I have been anxious, nervous and pretty on edge waiting to hear back from the Law, Societies and Justice department. I am glad to say that I have been accepted will be filling out the paper work to officially declare my major soon. 

I guess I can share my story now. Upon entering college, I had no idea what I was going to do. I knew beforehand that I had a strong passion for advocacy, for justice, for supporting the law, for giving the voiceless a voice and for improving the community by correcting the injustices within the community. I knew a deep knowledge over my high school years of the harsh reality outside of my perfect bubble and I knew about the struggles and injustices people faced every day in the United States and outside of it. But I never went with this strong instinctive desire. I really wanted to get into criminal justice or forensic science, but UW did not have a distinctive major for that, and I did not know about the LSJ program.

Upon entering college, I decided to go the safe route, to apply to be a business major and I took classes that pointed me towards it. I eventually realized that business was not the route for me. I simply did not have the passion within to continue to pursue something that did not spark passion. Why go a safe route if I was to dread every class? I then entered a phase where I did not know what to do with my college career. 

I dabbled with the pre-medical major classes, I looked into the dental hygiene major, into the computer science major and everything that looked SAFE. That looked like it would allow for me to have a stable living, to have a stable paying job. Then fortunately for me, spring of 2013, I took LSJ 200 and it re-sparked my interest for advocacy. I was no longer lost because I realized this was where my passion laid. It laid within reading philosophical issues in the law, reviewing case studies, researching statistics about incarceration rates, debating the injustices and inequality that arise in society today and from back then, everything this major offers and is basically defines all my interests. It was then I decided to go for the LSJ major. 

Upon applying, I was scared. A lot of people wanted to apply, a lot of people were re-applying and a lot of people complained about how difficult the major was to get into. I was anxious, scared, nervous and definitely on edge (I've said it once and I'll say it again). I couldn't eat right, I couldn't focus… I was really scared I wasn't going to get in… 

Today upon my return home, I opened my school email and saw the email from the LSJ advisor; I had been accepted. I literally jumped out of my chair, leaped and jumped around, ran outside to tell my mom I made it in, and literally splurged on all my social media platforms. 

All I can say is follow your dreams and do what you love! Never do something you do not want to do, and do not follow the footsteps of another person because they force you to. It's your life. Be happy, be yourself, and do what you are passionate about. Being passionate will ensure success in any and everything you do. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life is beautiful if you're ignorant. If you have eyes, you'll realize the hideous reality.

"Real eyes realize real lies." -Tupac 
Ignorantia juris non excusat (Ignorance is no excuse). Ignorance is bliss. A wise man, Earnest Hemingway quotes, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” Ignorance is no excuse. Being ignorant to something is never and should never be an excuse. 

This is one of the common law principles adapted into our legal system, where if one doesn't know that their action is against the law, it does not constitute an acceptable reason to commit the deed. One has the resources to find out about the law, therefore ignorance is no excuse. 

 This is applicable to any and everything, even outside of the law. An obvious one would be if you smoked marijuana in Oregon. It's illegal there, but it's legal in Washington, one cannot simply say, "I did not know it was illegal here." Outside of legality, a prime example school related would be claiming one did not know a paper was due, or that there was a test. There are course websites and course syllabi, resources answering the questions that could be asked, so ignorance is not a excuse because one could find the answer if they researched it. 

I don't know who coined the phrase, "ignorance is bliss." Must have been an ignorant person. I honestly think it was an How can being oblivious to the things around them be considered a bliss? If anything I think it amplifies the stupidity in this world. Not knowing about racism, discrimination, the world issues, the injustices from history… how is any of that bliss? You could be committing unjust actions towards a certain group of people and not know it, and you are perfectly fine with that? Being racist and prejudicial towards people and when someone calls you out on it you claim that you didn't know your words or actions were offensive? That's no excuse. 

I cannot stand people who degrade another person's culture, religion, sexual orientation, sex, or even nationality and think brush it off as if they did nothing wrong because they are oblivious to the issues at hand. They are oblivious to history, and ignorant to the significant symbolism embodied within these categories. Using ignorance as a defense, as an excuse, as a justifiable reason to discriminate and put someone down… I cannot stand the ignorance in this world. 

 To me, intelligent people are almost never happy, the reason being, they know so much more about what is going on in the world, the good and especially the bad. They are more aware of the bullshit that goes on in the world. I'm not saying all intelligent people are unhappy, or depressed, but a lot of intelligent people are the ones who are going out there and making a change and or contributing to a cause to make a change because they know of the shitty things going on in this world. The shitty things going on in the world need attention and more often than not, these shitty things are never a mood lifter. How can anyone fully love and live life knowing such shitty things are going on? This is why I praise activists and people out there making a change, instead of people sitting on their asses doing nothing to change the ignorance out there. 

 There are people who are brought up believing in only beautiful things, and they are blind the the horrific parts of the world, they in my mind are delusional. Nothing is perfect, no system is perfect, and there are definitely still shitty things going on in the world. What? Just because Hitler and the Nazi regime is gone, just because the Japanese aren't interned anymore, just because the Chinese aren't excluded anymore, just because we aren't allowed to use nuclear weapons to bomb another country anymore, just because a lot of the dictatorships are gone does not mean the world is peachy. I cannot stand the people who have so much love for a world that is still filled with so much flaw. I cannot stand those who love and live life so much that they are oblivious to the REAL issues in the world. 

If life is as beautiful as you claim it to be, look up and tell me about the riots in Egypt, the murders, homicides, and genocides in the Middle East, look up human trafficking numbers, look up how many countries do not have enough to provide simple HiV/AIDS treatment to those in need, look up the poverty levels in the United States, look up the poverty levels in other countries, look at our mass incarceration rates and tell me how much of those are minorities, tell me about racial profiling, the implicit racism that goes on, the structural racism in laws that law-makers are passing because it is not explicitly racist and AFTER YOU'VE LOOKED UP all the bullshit that STILL GOES ON IN THIS WORLD, THEN, I WANT YOU TO LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THIS WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL. 

I want you to look me in the eyes after looking all this up, looking at the statistics and pictures of all those starving, dying, the females that are treated like objects and less than human, I want you to DIVE INTO all of that, be indulged in it. After you become educated, I want you to tell me how beautiful this world is. I want you to tell me that you want to continue living on this Earth and not do anything to make a change to literally make this world a better place. It's impossible right? if you learn about all this bullshit that still goes on, you wouldn't want to just sit and ignore it. You can't just sit and ignore it. 

You cannot love and live life the same way knowing so much unjust shit goes on in this world. So those who believe the world is beautiful, who believes life is beautiful, stop being ignorant and look at the real issue at hand.

Update: Now that I've researched where the 'ignorance is bliss' comes from I am proud to say the full quote is "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise," from Thomas Grey's poem. This is basically critiquing ignorance, saying that little knowledge is a dangerous thing, in which supports my argument above saying without knowledge on certain issues you could be intentionally offending someone adding further to your ignorance because you don't know what you're doing is wrong. If that is the case one will never be able to correct one's mistakes. In response to my earlier commentary on an ignorant person creating this quote, it's not the person who coined the quote that is ignorant because he feels that lack of knowledge is in fact lethal. But ignorance is upon those who interpret the quote for just the "ignorance is bliss" part and embrace just that phrase itself and use it as a excuse to be ignorant and oblivious to the world. Those are the type of people I deem ignorant, the ones who took the quote out of context leading me to believe that the quote in itself meant ignorance should be accepted. Ignorance in some religions can be considered a sin, which I think it hilariously contradictory because a lot of the religious people who believe ignorance is a sin also believe that gay marriage is a sin. Stop being closed-minded. Actually this is a post for another time, the controversial issue of legalizing gay marriage.

Monday, April 21, 2014

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.”

I'm making this post before I go to class because I promised it Saturday night after Sakura-con, but I some how ended up at the rave and never got a chance to make this post. Also because I didn't really make something particularly worth reading on Sunday, I mean unless of course you're totally into my life like that. And here is that post I promised.

A lot of the time, I realize that the only person who is holding myself back and the only person who doesn't believe the things I do is myself. I've come to a point where I"m rather indifferent on other people's opinion on me, because that is something I cannot control. 

Why should one let another person's opinion dictate what they do for the rest of their lives? Opinions are exactly what they appear to be, opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, especially their own opinion on you. So if that is the case, should everyone let ONE person's lousy opinion of yourself dictate the rest of your life? Should that mere opinion be the thing that makes you feel unworthy? I don't think so. It's rather sad knowing that so much potential in someone can be blocked by another persons words and thoughts. I believe that I have come to that point where I don't care about another person's opinion (unless it is constructive feedback). Here's a bit of advice for those who do though.Think about it this way, those people are irrelevant to your life. Their opinions really should not matter or mean anything to you. If they're your friends, then I think it's time to get new friends because you should never feel embarrassed or feel the need to be someone else just to impress them. The only person you should be impressing, is yourself. 

Onto the point of this post. I find that the thing I struggle with is myself. My self criticism, my own negativity, and my own doubts that pull me back. When I  want to do something, I often take a leap of faith and do it. But more often than not, when I'm about to lunge towards that leap, I tell myself to stop and to stay put. Because the leap of faith does not guarantee a safe landing to the goal at hand. In a way, I am limiting myself. There's a fine line between not being capable of doing it because it really is impossible and being scared of the outcome, so the best possibility is to just stay completely in the dark instead of facing failure itself. 

There have been many times the past year, no scratch that, my whole life... where I have stopped myself from doing something because I did not want to face failure or because I was scared of the outcome. I ended up being my own worse enemy and my own downfall. I limited myself so much to the point where limiting myself is nothing but comfortable. As easy as it is to blog it and type it up, it isn't. I do not want to be my own downfall, I don't want to lie a miserable life full of regret because I stopped myself from doing something. I do not want to miss out on opportunities that could possibly enhance my life due to a fear of failure. 

As of today, I refuse to fall a victim under my own self criticism. I refuse to fall victim under my own fear. Today is the day I take charge and push myself as hard as I can. I cannot be the reason for my won down fall. I cannot pull myself down any longer because life is short. If I'm going to spend my time telling myself, "I can't," then what is the point in living?

(Will continue this post later, I gotta get ready to leave to go to class.)  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat?

This is not a thought-provoking, philosophical or controversial post. But I think this needs to be posted. I'm sorry, I went back on my word, but after Sakura-con did not exist until today. I promise you guys, I'll try to have one up tomorrow or sometime soon. As for right now, I'm going to talk about my first rave experience. 

I stayed until REALLY LATE, because some how I ended up at the Sakura-Con rave. This night opened my eyes to why raving is such a hyped up thing now. No matter how tired I got last night, I just kept going, I was a little ball of energy just dancing EVERYWHERE. The people were so nice, the group I stayed with was so nice. I cannot believe I did not experience this before. Everyone was just so accepting.

At first it was a bit awkward, and then after I got into it, it just became natural to dance. It didn't matter how I danced and no one was there to judge, everyone was just there to have fun. Although people kept bumping into me and I kept bumping into them, it was all good because everyone was just there to have fun so it didn't even matter. I've never danced so much, or so close, or sweated so much before in my life (except for when I was doing Insanity) but that honesty is besides the point. I think last night truly opened my eyes to the scene. I have never had so much fun and been so tired before. The music just flowed through my body, and it was as if the music took over my body. Everything I did just felt so natural and I'm glad I got to experience it with my close friends, friends and strangers who aren't so much strangers anymore. 

Imagine a little girl, well I'm not exactly THAT little, but a 5'3 girl jumping around everywhere, dancing, all hyped up and sweating and running and screaming. Yeah, that was me. I was completely out of character, but strangely I have never felt so in character. Anyway, my first Sakura-con experience was totally a memorable one. I have never had so much fun in one day before. Big shout outs to my work place for hooking it up with passes to Sakura-con. Big props to those who dragged me out last night, big props to those who stayed with me and danced with me. I love you all. Like, I can't even speak right now from screaming "eat sleep rave repeat" and screaming in general, my voice is gone. My voice is so raspy I sound like a dying person. But I am so content with everything right now. I'm looking forward to Life in Color.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Free write.

I’m not a toy.

You can’t decide to talk to me, 
play with me, 
and treat me like I’m the best thing that’s happened in your miserable life and then toss me to the side when a new person comes by. 
I am not a toy.
You can’t leave me completely in the dark, 
and then when I’m just about to get over the fact that you’ve moved on, you decide to magically reappear into my life again and I so graciously accept you back into it. 
I’m not a toy.
I have feelings and emotions. 
I hurt, 
I cry, 
I laugh, 
I love. 
Most importantly, I trust and I fall.
Fall for you, 
fall for your words, 
fall for the way you talk to me, 
fall for the way you look at me, 
and most importantly… 

fall for the lies you feed me
I am not a toy. 
So quit playing me like one.

Splurge post #2

This week has been crazy hectic, I apologize for not updating this blog, that's if anyone even reads these. I promise I'll post a thought provoking, philosophical, or maybe even controversial post soon (maybe tomorrow after Sakura-con). I miss writing posts that allow for me to be deep. My philosophy professor says it's nice to keep a philosophical personal diary like thing, but for me it'll have to be my blog. I suppose the more personal things will go in my moleskin journal. I'm still trying to reason out what this blog is for exactly. Here's a post that is not too thought provoking, it's more of an update because right now my brain is fried. 

This week has been really hectic because I'm starting the research for my research paper for my comparative law and courts class. I'm still not sure exactly which Constitutional court I want to do my research on yet, but I know I want to research on a court that runs on the civil law system. I've been looking into Italy and Greece. Italy because I really want to study abroad there next year with the law program, and Greece because then I can splurge in some Plato and Aristotle into my paper (refer to Politics or even Republic), isn't that where law basically originated? From the philosophical works of these famous philosophers? Anyway, this class is actually pretty informative, so there's a lot of information to process and a lot of research and such which is why this week I wasn't able to post as normally. I had a test today on what we learned so far. I'm not too behind on the reading we're suppose to do in our textbooks. But trust me, it's really easy to fall behind in the readings because it is SO dry and boring. Sometimes I do not even understand HOW I have come to be able to read so much dry text. Other than that, the material we cover in class is not too bad. 

My philosophical issues in the law class, is philosophy orientated. This requires a lot of syllogism, deductive and inductive reasoning, natural law vs legal positivists, modus tollens, sound and valid arguments, fallacies and tons of court cases to remember. A lot of the philosophy TA's at the philosophy office hours shivered at how applied these philosophical concepts were for this class (I suppose they enjoy working and teaching in the abstract like the intro to logic course). I do not mind it too much because I actually enjoy the reasoning applied in law and seeing how all that works out. A lot of it is just case study and being able to identify the legal reasoning as to why judges make certain decisions using the concepts listed above. This class isn't too hard per se, but it's still one of the trickier classes because of the philosophical aspect. Don't get me wrong, I've taken an intro to logic class and it is logical when you think about it really hard, at first glance, everything is just a blur of information that does not seem to resonate. I suppose that is how I felt about this class for a while, but now that it's week 3, and we're getting deeper into the concepts and such, I'm so excited for the rest of the 7 weeks to come! 

Lastly, my global warming class. A lot of information, the homework and quizzes and such are REALLY tricky and require you to stretch your thinking so far outside of the box that it's ridiculous. I have never thought so critically in any science-like class before… I mean besides chemistry. This class shouldn't even be like that, but I suppose the professor just wants to make it a big harder for us. I don't mind. It's college… I have my first test next thursday, fingers cross that I'll do fine. But that most likely means that I won't be posting as much or as frequently the next couple weeks since it's starting to get into that midterm/papers time period. 

Overall, I am enjoying my classes so far, I'm not super drowning in school work yet, I'm treading in the water still. But this work is starting to pile up and get to the point where if I don't start cranking super hard and putting in my 110% then I might as well not even try at all because how else am I suppose to make the Dean's List again? Anyway, I promise a thought provoking or philosophical or even controversial post tomorrow. I don't think I mind philosophical posts… we'll see what enlightening ideas flow through this wreck of a mind tomorrow. 

Ps, the picture was taken by my dearest cousin outside of my work place. I just love the whole look and feel of brick walls. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Trying something new,

A crop top with these slacks. I think they don't look too bad together, it's just a matter of what shoes I'll wear with these. I would say I'm wearing this tomorrow, but I'm not, I guess I'll take a picture of that outfit tomorrow. 

I wear what I deem comfortable, if it happens to look nice or whatever, that is a bonus for me. I don't think I look too dorky. This is just a short post for today, I have a lot of reading to do tonight. I needed to post something today and I was procrastinating, so I ended up just throwing random outfits together. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Splurge post #1

These splurge posts will be of everything on my mind right at that moment

I know my last blog post probably does not sound all that logical or reasonable. I wrote it during a time when I was stressing out about the hundreds of assignments I was attempting to finish up. I have some time right now to go back and edit them, but after this post of course. 

I'm not going to jinx it, nor say anything about it because this is a need to know basis type of situation. But I applied for something and all I know is that if I don't get in, my anxiety levels are going to go off the charts. This is all that is on my mind, all that I think about, and I just cannot do anything because I am stressing out so much over this. I'm trying my best to put it aside… and to be honest, it's times like this I wish I had someone, a significant other, or someone to go to and talk to about this, to cry to. I hate showing weakness to my sisters and family, and I hate crying in front of them. In a way, I kind of see myself as a role model, if I fail to be accepted, if I cry, if anything goes wrong, I know for a fact I do not want to cry to my family about this situation. But for right now, fingers crossed and I hope I get in. That is all I will say on the matter. 

Moving on, I know the perks of being single and to be honest, I have never felt so liberated being single after being in a two year relationship. But it has been a year and I'm ready to get back out there and try to find someone. The thing is, it's so hard to meet someone. I don't know if it's because I'm socially awkward, or if it is because I'm just not good at interacting with people in that manner, but I am really bad when it comes to this type of thing. 

I have been "talking" to some people af of late, but at the same time, I do not know where any of it will lead and how would i even know if they're the "right" one? I suppose it really is all based on chance, right? you take the risk and you risk it all, and if it's meant to be then it's worth it all. But if it's not, I'll take the fall, and keep on risking until it becomes worth it all, Right? (Hah, I think I just wrote myself a mini-poem.) These guys are really interesting, but at the same time I cannot see it going anywhere. I don't know if it is me being pessimistic or if it is me being intuitive… I'm 20 fucking years old now… I think it would be really nice to settle down, or at least get to know someone who I can see myself settling down with. 

It has been bothering me for some time now. I'm not getting any younger and when I graduate, I want to start my career, or go to grad school or something. I cannot see any time in the near future for me to mingle and get to know people and trying to find "the one" while balancing all that out. Which is why I think for me, right now, while I'm still in college, just balancing out school and work, it would be a great time to try to find a potential long term relationship partner… Because that's all I really want. I don't want to fool around, I don't want a fling, I don't want someone who just wants to hit it and quit it. I don't see the point in dating someone if you plan on leaving them. I want to date for the long run, to know that my "partner" could possibly be the one I spend the rest of my life with. That's all I really want, to find the one who could quite possibly be there for me in the future. Someone who will support me in every decision I make. It's really funny because, a lot of the guys I know in college just want to fool around, meet new girls every week, think flings are okay, sex with a new girl each night. I know I'm just generalizing now, but how am I suppose to meet that person, and HOW am I suppose to meet that person in such an environment? Maybe I am just over thinking the situation and what I really need to do is join clubs and such that will allow for me to meet new people thus allowing for me to possibly meet "the one." I don't know how people do it. I mean people have suggested Tinder, but how trustworthy is that? I think I would rather meet the person face to face and mingle versus conversation through a dating app. But at the same time, I don't know, I hear stories about people meeting their perfect partner through things like this. Maybe each love story is different. 

Anyway, regardless of the whole situation of finding a boyfriend, or just someone to date or whatever, I feel like I have been okay. Mentally and physically I am exhausted, but that is what school and such will do to a person, in addition, work as well. I'm starting to grow tired, maybe I'll make the edits to the other posts later. I think I'm just going to call it a night. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

“Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle.”

--- Benjamin Franklin. 

Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle. Wise words said by Ben Franklin.  I interpret this quote exactly as it sounds.  

Instead of cursing the darkness

When shit hits the fan, when everything fall a part, when things do not go according to plan, or even when something acts as an obstacle to your goals, do something about it. Do not curse at the obstacle in front of you nor give up. Cursing at the obstacle in front of you will not make the situation go away. Life is not easy and achieving ones goals isn't easy either. If it was as easy as we assumed it to be, wouldn't everyone be successful and achieve their goals? There is a reason why there are some who make it and some who don't, those who encounter the darkness, or are put in the darkness, do not sit in the darkness and curse at it nor do they deal with the obstacle that has been put in front of them negatively. Instead, they take the situation at hand and make the best of the situation. They literally look for the light at the end of the tunnel, the light in the darkness. 

light a candle

Take charge and do something to fix the issue. Instead of dwelling on it, grab the issue by its balls and take advantage of the complication. Because after all, the complication will only make one stronger as a person. There is always a way to fix a problem. No one said the solution would be easy and no one said the road to obtaining the desired goal was going to be a walk in the park. Obviously, if one wants something, one needs to work for it. 

In our times of darkness, in our times of hopelessness and in the times where we all feel down. The only way out is not to dwell in the situation nor is it to curse at the situation at hand. Only we ourselves can make the situation better. After all, there is not one person who cares for us more, than ourselves (well probably our parents too, but I don't know)… I see this quote as being able to take charge and take on the darkness. 

I'm trying to do this thing where I make a post everyday, of course today's post was clearly not all that thought provoking. I have a lot going on regarding applying for my major, essays, readings, and other class work in addition to my job work. Life is getting really busy for me, but I still want to try to post everyday. In a way, this is my safe haven, being able to turn to blogspot and just let my creative juices flow. But this is really all for today… 

It's time for me to get back to work now. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Moral fairness is the right fairness, otherwise get over it.

Every so often I hear the phrase, “that’s not fair,” and my automatic reaction is “get over it.” I suppose the definition of what is fair or not varies for different people. For me, fairness is not always getting what you desire for what you desire could be unfair for someone else. Fairness to me, is what is morally right. Due to the fact that different people have different morals and values, not everyone can agree with what I have to say about fairness. The human species, the human mind, and the human in general is such a complex topic.

There is a selfish bias side to fairness and there is the genuine fairness.

More often than not, throughout my life I have encountered many people who do not receive whatever it is they desire or want. In response to their inability to receive their desired want, is the phrase, “that’s not fair.” To me, this is a selfish and biased fairness. Always getting ones way, receiving whatever it is they desire is considered fair for them. Of course this is a biased concept because to them it is fair that they deserve that they get without thinking of the other party at hand to whom the situation could be unfair. It’s quite uncanny how if something goes against the interest of themselves, it is of the bat deemed unfair. Yet if they get what they desire, another party can declare the result as unfair.

Morally thinking, there is only one person in the right and the other person of course deserves the shorter end of the stick. Theoretically, if one put aside their biases and took into consideration another’s interests, there clearly is a morally correct side, the genuine fairness. Genuine fairness lacks a lot in society because a lot of people are selfish. I blame Darwin’s whole survival of the fitness concept. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not totally against it, I’m quite a huge advocate for survival of the fitness myself, but at the same time, I have certain lines I draw. Especially when my actions are selfish and are morally unfair to others or affect the rights that were given to one at birth. 

To further clarify, my survival of the fitness idea would be if I was faster than another person and was able to snatch the last pair of shoes in a store versus someone who was slower than I, in this case, that absolutely sucks because survival of the fittest allowed me to prevail here. However, if a law banned handicapped people from participating in certain activities, I cannot fully support it. It impedes on their rights and it is discrimination at its finest.

Let’s consider someone on trial for a murder they did not commit. A genuine unfairness would be getting convicted and a genuine fairness would be for the trial to be acquitted. In retrospect of all the wrongly convicted, they felt their lives were unjustly taken from them. They have spent time in a prison for a crime that they did not commit. Their rights were violated, the law failed them and the meaning of “equal justice under law” failed to be applicable to their case. Morally, it is unfair. How is it fair to send an innocent person away? The law in itself should be convicting the guilty, not the innocent.

Now, let us consider someone who did not receive the iPhone 5s for Christmas because they come from a poor family but their friends come from a rich family and go through phones like crazy, this person argues constantly with his/her parents trying to develop a sustainable argument as to why they should get an iPhone 5s when their family simply cannot afford it. This is selfish, biased, and dubious fairness. The parents are genuinely unable to afford it, the child wants it because their friend has it and because it is the current trend. Morally, it is fair to keep the child from having the phone because the inability to receive the phone does not morally threaten the rights nor the well being of the child. If the child won the argument and received the phone, it is unfair to the parents because they had to sacrifice money in which could threaten the well being of their family; if you consider the fact the money could have been used for food on the table, the clothes on the back, the roof over the head etc.

Different people view different things as unfair. I believe fairness is really applicable to things that threaten the rights, the life, and the morals of any person. Something as silly as not getting the iPhone 5s, a Mercedes, or the latest apple product is just preposterous. These are the things a person needs to suck up. If one simply cannot afford such materialistic things, then one should go get a job and generate the necessary amount for the desired item.

Want and need are two different things. To me, fairness is applied to the need. Get over it if it is applied to the want. You need something to live. You need your rights, shelter, clothes, education, food and other things of the like, when these are threatened, the concept of fair/unfair is applicable. If your wants, materialistic objects, phones, tablets, and other things of the like are threatened, the concept of fair/unfair can be applicable, but I think it makes one a despicable person.