Friday, April 18, 2014

Free write.

I’m not a toy.

You can’t decide to talk to me, 
play with me, 
and treat me like I’m the best thing that’s happened in your miserable life and then toss me to the side when a new person comes by. 
I am not a toy.
You can’t leave me completely in the dark, 
and then when I’m just about to get over the fact that you’ve moved on, you decide to magically reappear into my life again and I so graciously accept you back into it. 
I’m not a toy.
I have feelings and emotions. 
I hurt, 
I cry, 
I laugh, 
I love. 
Most importantly, I trust and I fall.
Fall for you, 
fall for your words, 
fall for the way you talk to me, 
fall for the way you look at me, 
and most importantly… 

fall for the lies you feed me
I am not a toy. 
So quit playing me like one.