The whole point of growing up is to encounter changes in your life, whether it is a change in your desires, ambitions, goals and or perceptions on life or on certain things. It’s inevitable that everyone encounters change because everyone encounters different experiences that affect him or her differently. Someone dying in a family can either weaken a person, make them value life more, make a person stronger, and or it can wreck a person completely.
Everyone reacts differently. I’m not sure for everyone else who I went to high school with, but I am more than positive that graduation for me was the event that did not change my perspective and outlook on life like it did everyone else. Entering college, my first day in a college class is what shaped me into this determined, hard working, goal orientated person I am today. No offense, but Franklin was not really all that hard, I basically half-assed high school and still managed to get amazing grades. The day I entered college, I honestly thought I had it in the bag, but actually taking the classes, doing the work, studying and fighting for the classes that I needed to graduate and needed to fulfill major requirements allowed for me to see that hard work itself would not cut it. Instead, hard work, blood, sweat, tears, motivation, desire, ambition, goals and perseverance are the key ingredients in obtaining success and getting what I want out of school and life to ensure I can do what I love the most.
So for those who ask why I am constantly busy with school, busy with work and busy with family, look at it through my perspective. I’m busy with school because I know what I want out of school and I’ll work as hard as I can for everything I want. I’m busy with work because I need to make money for school; I need to make money to pay for books and such. Why am I so busy with family? Because I let lower priorities take over my life before, I let lower priorities get in the way of my family and I lost my grandma before I even got to spend quality time with her, I lost her before I even got to tell her everything I wanted to say. So before you come at me telling me my life is boring and that I need to have more fun, you should take a moment and examine your life before you come judging me. I have my priorities straight, I have my goals set, I know what I want out of life and my education and I am going full speed ahead at trying to get what it is I want. What are you doing? Checking up on my facebook, instagram, twitter, and tumblr critiquing every aspect of my life and telling me what I am doing wrong while you’re still uncertain about what you fully want out of school and out of life…? I’ll give you one critique that I should have given you a long time ago, you’re too busy worrying about my life, and other people’s life, that your life is falling apart and turning into a train wreck. So… maybe you should reexamine your situation before you come and judge my situation.
So get it straight in your head that, 1) I am happy with where I am. 2) Although I can be frustrated and upset with school, it is what I love to do and I'd rather be frustrated doing the things I love than frustrated doing something I despised. 3) The people who are in my life right now contribute nothing but positive vibes and happiness to me. 4) My goals, my values, and my beliefs can 100% be backed up because I can stand my ground.